Goodbye To Our Star: The Internet ID'd The Viral Boobs Lady From Steph's Celebration Picture, Her Account Gets Deleted After It's Reported She's An Escort

We know the photo. It's somehow been the most read blog on this site today, barely edging out who is the 21st ranked team in the MLB or something about the Celtics. Shocking news there. Anyways in the blog I asked if we should send the smokeshow patrol out. Good thing I did and h/t to every single person on Twitter who let me know about it. We seem to have found her. 

However, this is where we say goodbye to our star. She spent all day proving it's her or at least claiming it was her. Then as I was originally working on this blog poof. She was gone. 

She does appear to have her own page promoting her, uh, business. It's reported she's an escort. We can say that. Now I was able to find some screenshots of the tweets that were deleted. 

I gotta say, I've never been more confused. I'm not confused that a man would get caught looking backwards - bad beat for him. But you're going viral. People are singing your praises. Everyone was looking for your at all day, and now you have the fame, which should be good for business and you're gone. It's rare that we get the Internet sensation disappear like this. Makes me wonder where Boom Goes the Dynamite guy is now that we're talking about it. She'll always be the Warriors boob girl. 

Now I did my research, scouting if you will. According to her page she's 5'10". She also says she's the No. 1 ranked person in San Francisco. That's a 5-star. You can't disappear if you're a 5-star who loves luxury dining! Who among us doesn't love luxury dining? She also will pick out your outfit for you. Step 1 taken care of right there. Anyways, I'm just stunned she's gone. Why spend all day proving it's you when you just nuke your account? We're now at more questions than answers and we got the ID of the person here. No Instagram, no more Twitter, just her website and word of mouth. Goodbye to our star.

Until she pops up again, alerts are on. 

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